Step by Step – Making a Website that Works

step by step websites

Take your time. Take it step by step. Little by Little. This won’t happen overnight. It is a process of learning, doing, learning and doing more. Take what you know and are passionate about and turn it into something you can make money with a website. This is the SBI! Way!

  • Read and understand the process you are about to undertake to get the Big Picture.
  • You are starting a business. The goal is to learn to pre-sell by using content creation (sharing information) and provide the best information yet also make money doing so.
  • Research and Brainstorm your topic to create a profitable website.
  • Research and plan ways to make money on the topic
  • Choose the best domain that represents what you do.
  • Start your website using SBI! or WordPress (plus the SBI! plugin)
  • Create valuable content on your website in a way that gets your site to the top of the search engines, gets people to click on it AND get them to make your most wanted response =$$$
  • Build your traffic from a variety of free sources
  • Develop relationships – social media, email newsletters – learn to connect
  • Know your visitors and customers
  • Write books, Use Adsense, Sell other people’s products… the list of ways to make money is endless